National Paralympic Heritage Centre |
National Paralympic Heritage Centre
The National Paralympic Heritage Trust was established in July 2015 to protect and share British Paralympic Heritage. The first ever fully accessible Paralympic Heritage Centre opened at Stoke Mandeville in March 2019. The displays showcase the determination, sportsmanship and vision that gave the world the Paralympic Games.
Stoke Mandeville is widely acknowledged as the birthplace of the Paralympic movement and the National Paralympic Heritage Centre at Stoke Mandeville Stadium celebrates and explores this unique history.
The Heritage Centre is open for the general public Monday-Sunday and group bookings are welcomed. BSL Interpretation can be organised for group visits. Admission is Free.
There is British Sign Language interpretation throughout the Heritage Centre.
The National Paralympic Heritage Trust are proud to present a number of British Sign Language Interpreted events on the following dates in 2020.
Thursday 27th February - 10 am & 2pm
Monday 11th May - 10 am & 2pm
Tuesday 11th August - 10 am & 2pm
Wednesday 4th November - 10 am & 2pm
There will be a handling collection at these events and the opportunity to explore specific topics in more detail.
Please website for more information.
T: 01296 489929