Your Search Results

Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Deaf Plus
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
deafPLUS is a registered medium-sized charity and company limited by guarantee working to encourage integration and equality between deaf and hearing people in all areas of life.

Information, Advice and Advocacy
Personal support and development
Training in Deaf and hard of hearing issues
Lipreading and Hearing loss rehabilitation
Equipment assessment and fitting
BME and DeafBlind support
Art, leisure and social activities
IT training and internet access
Employment support
Reablement and Brokerage

This Charity has offices in Somerset, Birmingham, London Whitechapel, Bath, Ealing, Aldershot and Farnborough.


Do you have money worries?
deafPLUS National BSL Money Advice Helpline is open
The debt helpline will be delivered via live chat using either: Skype or FaceTime

We will be able to provide information, advice on debt, money issues & money worries.
Facetime: - Skype: deafplus.helpline

The helpline will be open everyday on the following times:

Monday: 10am – 2pm
Tuesday: 10am – 2pm
Wednesday: 1pm – 5pm
Thursday: 1pm – 5pm
Friday: 10am – 11.30am

Need an appointment?
Book your appointment online


Please visit the website for more information
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Deaf Plus - Deaf Plus
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people


Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people