All Hallows by the Tower |
All Hallows by the Tower (sometimes known historically as All Hallows Barking) is an inclusive Christian community worshipping in the oldest church in the City of London. Open seven days a week, we aim to provide a Christian welcome and inspiration for all who live, work or visit here, and a quiet space for prayer and reflection. The church was founded in 675AD and, throughout Londons history, has played a key part in almost every important event. A Roman pavement, Saxon stonework, Mediaeval paintings and statues, and the glorious Grinling Gibbons font cover are all on show. This is the church where the Knights Templar had their London trials, Samuel Pepys watched the Great Fire of London from the tower, where William Penn (founder of Pennsylvania) was baptised and where President John Quincy Adams married a local girl. It is the founding place of Toc H and Tubby Clayton was Vicar here for 40 years. The church has a characterful Crypt Museum and an excellent cafe - Byward Kitchen & Bar. See the Visit section of our website for further details. |